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SRC DTM 1991 goes to Britain!

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  • SRC DTM 1991 goes to Britain!

    The SRC Historic – series is something for the “nostalgics” among you.

    This time we are going to Great Britain with the DTM cars from Tommy78. Also, an invitation race, as was customary at the time, will take place.

    You want to see your hero from back then on the podium? Then get in and drive for his pride!

    In a nutshell, this means:

    - rFactor 2
    - 55 DTM 1991 vehicles by Tommy78
    - 2x100km race length
    - real-weather
    - Points count on the driver at the time
    - Livestream by our buddy Smeddi and his friends on Twitch

    So, get the cars from tommy's website and join the fun as it starts at 1st of September 2022!

    All info and the epic race calendar you can find here:

    And if you join our (or already did) we can provide you a coupon code for tommys cars!
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  • #2
    Hallo zusammen, auf Grund der aktuellen Überschneidung mit der Rennkommission zu unserer GT3 Serie sind wir gezwungen den Kalender der Historic Rennen anzupassen. Somit werden alle Rennen eine Woche später stattfinden:

    01.12.2022: Race 6: Anglesey
    15.12.2022: Race 7: Oulton Park
    29.12.2022 Race 8: Croft
    12.01.2022 Race 9: Rockingham
    26.01.2022 Race 10: Toban

